First Graders Learn Basics of Surf with WB

On June 13, 2013, the WB Surf Lesson team visited the GSA 2013 summer camp at West Portal Elementary School in San Francisco. We taught a class of about 20 eager first graders the basic rules of the surf, some good surf stretches, popups and how to ride a [tarp] wave!  

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The children were so excited and had a million questions to ask us including, "Have you ever seen a shark?" and "What's the biggest wave you've ever been on?".

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The boards you see around us on the floor are individual surfboards that each student made for our lesson. During popups, the children learned exactly where to stand on their boards and even how to walk up and down the board when on a wave!  

It's possible that the most exciting part of the morning was when we introduced TARP SURFING!

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We had so much fun working with these great kids and they were awesome little groms for the day! Big thanks to their teacher, Adreanne, for organizing the day!

Our 'thank you' surfboard from the class and our surfboard name tags!

Our 'thank you' surfboard from the class and our surfboard name tags!